Yesterday I started thinking about the Daily Mail. It came up in conversation with a friend - we were talking about the so-called "3am girls". From what I can gather, they are essentially journalists/reporters who trail around after celebrities getting wasted and eavesdropping on the sort of drivel which celebrities talk about, and the masses (myself included) devour their outpourings with our dead, dead eyes. Then I started thinking about Liz Jones. Fucking hell. Liz Jones + The Daily Fail.
To summarise: the woman is BAT. SHIT. CRAZY. She has accused women, the female species, of stealing sperm and impregnating themselves in the dead of night.
Sorry, I just had to take a minute there. Although, you know I think, almost what concerns me more, is that at some point, I presume, the editor had a look at that article and was all "good work LIZZZZZZZZZZZZ!! Let's GO WITH IT, YEAHHHHHH"
Another thing about The Daily Fail, is that evidently, it's a newspaper in which, a grasp of the English language is apparently not even remotely necessary.
Example a (this is a direct quote): "Prince Harry one a trophy." I'm not joking.
On some levels, I cannot imagine what it must be like working at the Daily Mail...but on others...well there must be a sense of freedom which you just don't get at the other newspapers. I mean, you can basically say whatever you like. For example:

D'you know...I'm kind of jealous.