Tuesday, 13 October 2009

is this it?

Having recently succumbed to the sparkling delights of twitter I've decided it was time to embrace modern technology with both arms and start a blog.

In the past I have rejected the self-indulgent prospect of a blog but now I consider myself a temporary londoner, I'm all for being selfish. I've embraced the other traits, "head rage" screaming aloud in ones head at slow walkers and delays on the tube (oxford circus is the primary cause in both instances), forgetting how to make eye contact after so many enforced hours of avoiding strangers' and finally, perfecting the art of the sigh combined, ever-so-skillfully with the sharp intake of breath at the price of EVERYTHING.

Therefore this will merely be a place for me to muse about pointless things. I doubtless will probably be the only person who reads it as I am not fond of shamelessly publicity. We will see. It will also, as the title might suggest, an unstoppable continuous attempt for someone, at some point, to make me a cup of tea. Nice one.

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